Search Results for: adepticon

Adepticon 2010: Food for thought

Just a fast comment about the event so far. I have never been to an event that was not dominated by Space Marine. Adepticon is not the case; from the gladiator to the Team Tourney Imperial Guard have easily taken the cake....

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Adepticon 2010 Coverage: Day 2 Video Coverage

I am just going to be putting up stuff fast and furious. So there will be low on editing and high on content. Enjoy! Added more stuff and now with my ramblings! Here are pictures as well as video from Day 2...

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Live from Adepticon Like WOW

Breaking news!! Nick (darkwynn) and Jon (jwolf) have taken 1st and 2nd in Gladiator event day 1 Once Blood of Kittens gets a good night of sleep we will have wall to wall to coverage of Adepticon. With pictures and videos galore...

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