No ?…… ok then.
So pictures for you quickly then Im buggering off to vassal , gagging for a game.
Various shots of Ra from different angles.
He ‘declined’ the offer of increased pay for a topless shoot…. my P.A is is still in hospital being fitted for a prosthetic upper limb ……
*Clothing provided By Haus Altansar
Wow, just awesome. I really admire your ability, everything on this guy is clean and crisp. The claw & icon on the base is great – anyone with the slightest understanding of space-elf fluff should instantly appreciate it.
A beautifully painted model, I'm instantly jealous.I'm also from the West Midlands and usually use the Solihull Games Workshop. I'm GMort online but Garreth in the real world, have we met?
my mind is blown as always, keep up the painting.
Much likey, and hay Garreth. How long till his Dark Reaper friends come along?
Oh wow…That's epic! Nice work, the blending is breathtaking
Extremely impressive! This is why I avoid looking at hobby posts, it makes me feel inferior in my painting skills.
Mort , I sent ye an email , and WOW thanks everyone for the response , Ra turned into a labour of love for me so Im really pleased with the reaction.Now all he needs is some decent rules …….
@ Sorrowshard – just checked my E-Mail and I haven't received anything. Just in case, my current e-mail address is
mate, have emailed you twice now , not sure what is up, double checked the addy and everything.uuuuum ?
I just fell in love with your painting! Awesome, keep it going!