Rave Review: Ravager Gunship

Rave Review: Ravager Gunship

Well well well, a new Rave review , how long HAS it I been ? firstly a wee hobby update. I have been taking a nice break form hobby for the most part, though I have not been completely Idle There is a 99% assembled Tantalus (twas a pig) and a fair number of Combined...
Reader Email- To Razor or not to Razor ?

Reader Email- To Razor or not to Razor ?

Hi, To start, congrats on the award at TOS, judging from the battle reports, it was well earned and well deserved. A major stinking shame about the painting but what can you do? Your army may not have gotten the credit it deserved but judging from the comments on your...


So yeah, I’m not really one to let things lie, I may be having a little trouble letting go of the whole “your army is too crap for ToS thing” so I may have submitted a bunch of piccies into GW’s Flikr pool….. I thought I might mention it...
Throne In E minor Report & Review

Throne In E minor Report & Review

Right, throne of skulls, where to start.  Yep it was a biggie, lossa people lots and lots of armies , I’ll break this down into sections but I’m going to do general events stuff/’product’ review and then a brief rundown of what I remember from my games. Ok, the venue...
R Am WinNaR !!

R Am WinNaR !!

Pretty tired right now and I have a large box of Infinity stuff to work through for my 40k sabbatical, which will be after I clean up assemble and probably paint my shiny new Tantalus, which will be nice for a bit of a chill. I’ll try and cover my games as best...