Well as a certain FW release has made wraithguard lists a subject of interest atm it seems like my writing schedule has caught up with the times nicely, on the subject of writing schedule we are not far shy of completing the write ups for the entire book, there are...
I was initially tempted to include these as part of the Trueborn Review, however they are very different units unlike Wyches/Bloodbrides which are essentially the same really, which is why they got lumped together. Warriors are a staple troops choice for the DE and...
Yeah, so it’s long past time I did another retro , but the FW open day has given papa teh Eldar itch agin … So you lucky lucky people get a brand new Rant to mull over. Banshees are an elite close combat specialist choice for the Eldar army as such this...
Edit: here’s a better one now, first was a bit poop. Ok I’ll admit it , the rubbishy pre published phantom rules really effected me , I have been dealing with ineffectual over priced Eldar ‘technological superiority’ for too long and I simply...
It was great utterly packed and full of Eldar (and Dark Eldar ) goodies this year. I’ll try my best to write up here but it’ll likely lack any cohesion and be a sort of stream of consciousness thing … The phantom is even nicer in the flesh than the...