Yeah, thassright, I procrastinated my arse off this weekend, saturday saw minimal progress on these two, probably only had the metals and red uplighting knocked on the head before I snuck around to Frontline Gamers hobby church with sacrificial offerings of cake,...
Thats right, 5 Times as many brides and a darkmatter cannon, oh no no no mr Tarantino, mine is better. So yes I have managed to squeeze one more thing out , list left to do is one Ravager, two Venoms, 5 warriors, 4 Truborn and two Characters, 23 days and counting...
This is possibly one of the most thoughtful and truthful articles I have ever read on this subject, perhaps because I agree with everything written here on an emotional level, I have been in this hobby for over half my life Idon’t want to see GW slide further...
Good Day So made a start on this at a stupid time last night and finished the cockpit , (WIP shots provided) Guessing this took around 12 hours all told , so quicker than the damn Ravager. The photo’s are truly arse (it is actually black), my light box...
Ok If I thought Ravagers were bad these babys have been the very definition of time consuming. A whole days painting to finish three, I mean a solid day+Evening, I just kept finding stuff to do :o( It was prob around 22 hours for the whole squad , Damn…....