This is possibly one of the most thoughtful and truthful articles I have ever read on this subject, perhaps because I agree with everything written here on an emotional level, I have been in this hobby for over half my life  Idon’t want to see GW slide further away from us, I love the hobby and I’m sick of ragging on the company for generally cocking up the hobby I love. I feel there is coming a point where my love-hate relationship will become toxic.

Please read this Im linking this here in the hopes that it will get some of the folks that come here thinking.

                        Is the Imperium a metaphor for the Games Workshop?

If you agree ,please re-post this on your blog or wherever , my ultimate hope is that someone at GW might , just maybe possibly see this , connect the dots and make some small move towards positive change.

It has got me thinking, so if I can find time in my stupidly tight painting schedule I intend to to a response article on the thoughts and feeling his article has triggered.

I hope you are all good folks ,

Laters, pain-tin to do ….