Great Unclean One Evolution

Many miniatures that have been in the production line have evolved significantly over the years. Ranging from Primaris upgrades of notable independent characters through to more generic icons. Today, I wanted to quickly visit one in the latter category: Great Unclean...

Warmachine: Eilish Garrity and a Tyrant

 The wife and horde were out this evening so i got cracking on a couple more bits for my Orgoth army:Eilish Garrity - Mercenary SoloTyrant Heavy WarjackI went for maximum firepower on this with a high pow AoE gun and a multiple shot gun to shred enemy infantry...

SoH Terminators

 More bite-sized posts for bite-sized models. Here we have the very tip of the spear, a unit of Justarin Terminators. Abbadon always had a thing for black armor.Just for fun! I'm not sure that was their War-Cry. Naturally I had to give them the most impressive...

SoH Xiphons

 Still chugging away on my Epic Sons of Horus army. Here are three (out of the four) Xiphon Interceptors in that army. I have used them in battle, and are quite pleased with the close air support they provide.I have a Thunderhawk, two Fire Raptors, and three...

Pteraxii done

Long time no blogg. This time it has been about two months. Not that I have not done some hobby stuff, I have, but nothing worth showing, until now. This time I finished the Pteraxii squad that I got from my wife many moons ago. I painted the first three back in feb...

Adeptus Titanicus – Titans in Manufactorum – TO DONE! 🔴

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my #AdeptusTitanicus or #LegionImperialis Titans and they're TO DONE! All the remaining weathering, battle damage, lenses and special FX.I have to say I am happy with the results. I'm still...

Unboxing: Bayonets & Tomahawks, 2nd Printing (GMT Games)

Something about the second (or later) printing of a game always gets me. I am not sure if it is just the knowledge that the second printing will have less errata (usually having known errata incorporated). Maybe it is the assurance that enough people bought the first...