Just thought I would throw up a quick post since I've started in building some Warp Talons. I'm trying out the Oracles of Change scheme, which is red with gold trim, and some blue details. The bonus is that these guys would probably fit right in with a World Eaters army too, if I ever decide to start one. 

The lighting is just from my desk lamp, which actually gave it kind of a cool 'dust-bowl' or dusk effect. Overall, I love the red paint scheme, but it does tend to overlap with quite a few other warbands - Red Corsairs, World Eaters, Crimson Slaughter, and so on. Red and gold is a popular choice for Chaos, I guess. Oh, and it is bugging the hell out of me, but I didn't notice the 'spray can strand' between the feet. Ever get those stringy things when you use old primer? 

At any rate, I'm working on the rest of the five models. Not sure just exactly how effective these guys are going to be on the tabletop, but at this point I'm just not that interested in playing the game when everybody just cheeses out units and lists. No, I'm never going to run plague zombie spam, or Terminator spam, or any of that stupid bullshit. 

Anyways, I'll be posting some more pics as the unit comes together. This squad is going to be the 'Predators of the Empyreal' - I'm undecided whether to build the other box I have as Talons or Raptors.