So as I'm sure you all know by now. I'm building a Sunblitz Brotherhood Corsair force using the Eldar Craftworld rules. Here's what I have Completed so far:

Guardian Defender Squad led by Faimen.
Phoenix Bomber for smashing the enemy squads apart.
Wraithblades from the House of Ulthanash.... 
(Following Prince Yriel's acceptance back into the fold of Iyanden. Some of the most stubborn of Ulthanashi ancestors, have chosen the path of the outcast. Along with their Spiritseers they have left the safety of Iyanden, rather that pledge themselves to Yriel's cause.)
Spiritseer Un-named at the moment.
(Made from a 1980's Mouth of Sauron model)
Swooping Hawks from The Darken Sky Shrine.
Made from 2nd Edition figures, rest of the squad are following shortly. 
Hidden among the dead is an un-named Farseer armed with a Witchblade.

So with a now legal army, some of my attention has moved to the allied section of army..
The Void Dragons!
The wings are some of the hardest and fiddly bits I have built.
Felarch with Fusion Pistol. The Eldar missile launcher is actually from a Dark Reaper model.
Armed with Lasblasters these guys can pump out alot of shots.

So that's my army so far. What do you think them?