Having painted my army of Enforcers I did what any sane person would do and decided to strip and repaint them...

Ok, maybe not so sane but let me explain. I like to speed paint as it lets me get painted models onto the battlefield quickly but after I finished the Enforcers I realized that these models just didnt suit that style of painting. So a quick dip in some Dettol later and I was ready for a second attempt at painting these beautiful miniatures.

I drew inspiration from the Transformers movie and in particular Bumblebee. The whole model was painted silver and given a black wash before being lightly dry brushed with more silver. then specific areas of the armor where undercoated orange, painted yellow and given a light brown wash. any extra details such as eyes and blades where painted light blue with a dark blue wash then given a gloss varnish. All the guns have been painted grey with a black wash and white to help then standout from the rest of the model.

The first unit and hero painted in this scheme look much better than my first attempt so know im going to have to knuckle down and get the rest of the army (re)painted.

See ya...