If you've visited here more than a few times you have probably realized that I have some pretty eclectic tastes in miniatures projects.  Sure, there is a lot of Blood Bowl.. I want to get my 24 teams and I am always tempted by a new theme team in Blood Bowl, but I also get tempted by a lot of small projects and often the odd theme or less common game speaks to me the loudest.  Earlier in the year I was doing a lot for my Prehistoric Pulp project, and I will be returning to it.  I've also wanted to get several very small skirmish teams for Pulp Sci-Fi, which my Crew of the Starship Drowsy Wombat can be split into a couple of.

I've had what might be a breakthrough in the idea for the rules for the pulp skirmish games.  The Prehistory & Sci-fi could both work with the same rule set. I'll have to play test it, but if it works and is fun, then it could be a fun system that would allow for about anything to play against anything.  So maybe in the not too-distant future I'll get a chance to test the rules out and can report on that.

In the meantime, here is a team of The Robot Legion. I'm toying with calling them Psylon Centurions.

In the game I'm planning, 4 robots of this size & durability is plenty for a team.

I love the 1950's retro future feel of these miniatures.  They are from Hydra Miniatures.

They are quite tall.  Here is the Robot leader next to my Captain Vok, from Reaper Miniatures.
Granted, the Reaper alien is a bit short compared to a typical human, but you can see the size difference.

I didn't realize how large their minis were until they arrived. More like 32mm than 28mm.  But that makes the robots even more imposing and alien. And when I paint the Valkeeri their larger size will be perfect for the 'Amazons of Venus' style warriors.

And just for fun, here was the inspiration for the robots' color scheme:

Always loved these.