Yesterday I showed Denethor and Boromir in funeral boat.

Today, two more large miniatures from Mithril Miniatures:  Sauron and the Balrog.
It'd be hard to find anyone more dangerous than these two in Middle Earth.

The Balrog

Smaller than the GW Balrog of course, but quite a nice sculpt.  
I have a larger Balrog from Mithril I picked up many years ago, made a converted barbed whip, someday I'll have to paint him up!


I really like the elegance of this sculpt.  The more often seen GW sculpt is nice too, and replicates Sauron as seen in the movies, meaning: all spiky armored like The Shrike. But Sauron considers himself the nearly-undisputed master of Middle Earth.  What need does he have for armor?  Better to relax in his robe, get comfy on the throne.  

Still a couple more to show.. stay tuned.