So here's a cheeky wee run down of my games at winter war 2013! I had a great time and 3 brilliant games against up standing chaps! Below is the list I took:

Army list:

Wizzbang Da Shaman (Savage Orc Great Shaman): Lucky Shrunken Head; Fencers Blades; Level 4 Wizard. 290

Urgat Ripeye (General) (Black Orc Big Boss): Talisman Of Protection. 120
Borgut Facebeater (Savage Orc Big Boss): Obsidian Lodestone; additional hand weapon; Battle Standard. 147

Urgat'z Big Yins (37 Savage Orc Big 'Uns): Musician; Standard Bearer; additional hand weapons. 427
Speedy Gitz (5 Goblin Wolf Riders): Standard Bearer; spears; shields. 70
Red Dead Devils (5 Goblin Wolf Riders): Standard Bearer; spears; shields. 70

Da Big Stinkas (8 Trolls) 280
Speed Freakz (3 Goblin Wolf Chariots) 150
Blindin' Racers (3 Goblin Wolf Chariots) 150
Da Pain Rolla (Orc Boar Chariot) 85
Da Wheeled Crusha (Orc Boar Chariot) 85

Auld Bessie (Doom Diver Catapult) 80
Mork's 'Ammer (Goblin Rock Lobber) 85
Monz Meg (Doom Diver Catapult) 80
Da Mad Cap Nuttaz (Mangler Squigs) 65
Da Mad Cap Nuttaz (Mangler Squigs) 65

2,249 points

So game one I had grudged to play Trev Moffat who was a great chap with a load of banter! Trev was playing an off the wall WoC army themed around Tzeentch:

Lvl4 sorcerer lord on disc, lore of Tzeentch, 3++ 

Hero on daemonic mount, 3++, general, 

Hero bsb on daemonic mount, dawnstone.

(Didn't get to find out all items but that's the important stuff lol)

Block of Tzeentch warriors, full command shields, blasted standard

2x slaanesh chariots 

5 war hounds x2 vanguard

8 trolls


3 skull crushers

We were playing meeting engagement (diagonal deployment) and I won the roll to deploy first. I had wee bit if bad luck and my lvl4, bsb, 1 mangler, a unit of wolf boyz and the unit of trolls didn't deploy! So I deployed pretty deep into my corner to try and maximise my chances of shooting trev up! Trev got all his units deployed and vanguarded his hounds up ( he was a gent here and went back to roll to not seize the initiative as we forgot vanguards and used that roll, very amicable way to play, defo several man points there!).

So I had first turn and cocked up with the rule for reinforcements thinking I had to roll turn 2 onwards! So no magic or bsb but that's my fault!! Shooting saw a couple wounds caused on the crushers and a wound off the sorcerer. Trev had left me a cheeky charge on the war hounds screening his crushers which I took with my 3 wolf chariots, killed them and over ran into the crushers! 

In Trevs turn1 he surged forwards and cast a few spells killing a chariot and doom diver! The skull crushers were deleted by the rampaging chariots who reformed to face the sorcerer!

My turn 2 everything comes on and I charge a few more units (sorcerer flees but I do manage to reach his warriors) with the chariots .the on coming mangler destroyed a chariot (don't think we played this right in retrospect) and caused a few wounds on the trolls. In the magic phase I stomp a chariot and some warriors with foot of gork. The warmachines don't do much this turn. In combat the chariots do a lot if damage but are destroyed in return.

In Trevs turn 2 he destroys a boar chariot and some wolf boyz and treasons the trolls. On combat his chariot kills one of my chariots.

My turn 3 the trolls fail their stupidity test and amble forwards. I shuffle about to protect my main unit and remaining warmachines. I kill the remaining chariot and try to snipe the sorcerer. The hellcannon is charged by animosity failing wolves who hold it up for the rest of the game.

The rest of the game we play quite defensively and pick up points where we can, I made a poor decision at the end of the game and missed a change to get his warrior bunker with a charge.

Trev played very well and I just couldn't get the points for his characters. Really enjoyed it and couldn't have asked for a better game 1! Trev was a great guy to play: fun, tactical and fair, just how I like to game!

The game ended 9-11 with Trev getting the narrow victory!

Game 2 I played the lovely Mr Greig Summers and his very pretty WoC Army! The scenario was the capture mission which was special to the tournament. An objective was placed in the centre of table which awarded 400vps to the closest eligible unit. 

Greig's Army

Nurgle Daemon Prince Lvl 4 Death
Tzeentch BSB on Disc

19 Nurgle Chaos Warriors
5 Warhounds
2x Khorne Chariot
Chimera (Regen)
4 Skull Crushers

Deployments below:
Greig's Deployment
My Deployment
Greig won first turn and surged forward with his whole army, in his magic phase he got off a cheeky purple sun killing 6 out of 8 trolls! Ouch! Greig also killed a mangler with a wee spirit leech.

My turn one went pretty well with my right hand wolf chariots and a boar chariot charging the chimera killing it and overrunning into the skull crushers. Foot of gork claimed a skull crusher with a thunderous impact. In the shooting phase I reduced the daemon prince to one wound and killed a skull crusher.

Greig continued to move up his army with Festus and his warriors claiming the objective (crucially he placed them 2" away from it....). My other mangler is killed by some suicidal warhounds. In the magic phase Greig misfire's his purple sun (passed his initiative test but killed two wolf boyz). In the combat phase the heroic wolf chariots beat and run down the skull crushers to glorious applause from on lookers (just me then...).

In my turn 2 I charge festus and his filthy retinue with a wolf chariot unit and a boar chariot, I kill 10 or so but they get swiftly cut down for their efforts. In the magic phase I stomp the chariots reducing both to 1 and 2 wounds respectively. In the shooting phase I finish off the daemon prince and take a wound off his disc riding BSB.

Greig charges my depleted trolls with his BSB killing them and reforming to face the doom diver. With his lvl 4 dead festus fails to cast anything of note and the turn ends.

My boar chariot charges one of the chariots killing it but took 2 wounds to a dangerous terrain test. My savage orc unit reforms to face the super hero disc BSB. In the magic phase my foot of gork is dispelled but a cheeky hand of gork picks up the exposed doom diver and protects it from a charge. In the shooting phase nothing of note happens (maybe killed 1 or two warriors).

Greig charges the savage orc unit and challenges the orc general whom is mercilessly cut down. A wounded khorne chariot also piles in but is cut down by the frenzied savages. Festus continues his non casting spree.

In my turn I rear charge the tzeentch BSB with my remaining wolf chariots who dies to combat rez.

With Greg having only his unit with Festus remaining the last two turns fly by, the final twist of fate was my savage orcs having hand of gork cast upon them and being plonked directly on top of the objective, rubbing salt in the proverbial wound and claiming the objective!

All in all Greig played well and I could tell he was a very good player it was just a complete mis-match in armies, with the OnG being so aptly suited to dealing with the crazed northerners! The game ended on a 16-4 to me and I had a really great, fun game! I hope to play Greig again sometime!
Greg surging up

My final game of the day was against Hamish Hepburn (Scotch-Jan for those in the know!) and his Lizards. We were playing straight up battleline and Hamish had brought a very interesting Lizard list:

Slann Lvl 4 Death

Skink Priest lvl 1 heavens
Scar Vet on Cold One (in temple guard unit)
Skink Chief on a Terradon.

30 Saurus Warriors
3x 10 Skink Skirmishers with Javelins
12 Skink Cohort Warriors (Tetto went in here)

3 Terradons
3 Ripperdactyles
5 Chameleons
24 Temple Guard Banner of Swiftness

Deployments Below:

With Tetto'eko, 2 van-guarding units, a van-guarding character and scouting chameleons Hamish had the power to really surge across the board turn 1. The temple guard and saurus warriors were bestowed vanguard and both moved their maximum forward. I blocked his terradon vanguards by first van-guarding my wolf boyz on the right. my boar chariots is the victim of the rippers blot toad.

Hamish won the first turn and continued the surge moving up all his units. My wolf boyz flee a charge from the skink chief on terradon (never to rally). In the magic phase Hamish kills a mangler and drops a cheeky comet beside my trolls and warmachines.

My turn 1 and I decide to go balls to the wall, charging the temple guard with all my chariots! One boar chariot fails to reach but both the wolves and the other boar make it. After an incredible set of rolling for impacts I reduce the temple guard to  just 4 models (20 killed by impacts alone) wolves and riders strike next.....and leave just one temple guard alive! This crucially meant that the unit remained stubborn and Hamish didn't lose the game on turn 1! From shooting I kill a few skink but nothing of note.

In Hamish's turn he charges the saurus warriors into the flank of the wolf chariots and between them and the scar vet wipe out my chariots but not after I kill the final templeguard, at least netting those points! Magic I dispel all the major spells and let through the snipes which are saved by my 2+ ward. The other mangler is killed by poison shooting.

In my turn I charge and kill 4/5 chameleons who hold on a double 1 break test! I move up my trolls and savages to prepare for the big combats. From shooting I kill the Scar Vet and reduce the Slann to just one wound!!!

Hamish charges and kills my boar chariot with his rippers and my wolf boyz are killed by shooting. The slann jumps into the safety of the saurus unit! In the magic phase through miscasts Hamish loses his skink priest and tetto eko loses a wound. He also kills one of my doom divers. Hamish places a re directing unit in front of my savages.

Over the next few turns we dance around one another and mop up everything of each others. I lose all my warmachines leaving just the characters, savages and trolls remaining. Hamish loses tetto, 2 units of skirmishers, the terradons, and chameleons, leaving the saurus, slann and terradon cheiftan. This ends a very close game with a narrow 12-8 win to me! 

I really had a great game here and if I am honest on balance it should have been loss to me except for my good luck with the charges and Hamish's poor luck in his magic phases. I think we both played well however and really had a fun game!

In summary I had a great fun tournament with my highest placing so far and the overall event was brilliant! Hopefully I got all the details correct here, its been a few blurry weeks!!! Thanks again to my opponents and another huge congratulations to the DWARF boys for running such a great event and raising so much money for Help for Heroes!