So I got a few minutes this weekend to try out one of the options for painting up my new Imperial Fists army. Option 1 consists of a large can of Army Painter Daemonic Yellow, spraying directly onto the bare plastic model.

The coverage was pretty good, although the finish was a bit heavy and textured – I mustn't have given the spray can a good enough shake! I also used a ridiculous amount of spray paint for one model, very uneconomical but needed to be tested.

Once the spraying was dry I went in with the same coloured paint on a brush to touch up the gaps. Alas, the tube version of this colour was very opaque and wouldn't cover the last bits of exposed plastic. It did boost the colour of the paint already on the model.

Once this was dry (or maybe slightly before as I was excited to see results) I added some W&N Sunshine Yellow ink – watered down at first, then straight out of the bottle. Again it boosted the colour of the armour and sat in the recesses to underpin the edge of armour plates.

A rather rough looking model at the moment but I've learned a lot. I was a little disappointed if I'm honest as I was hoping this would be the ideal solution straight off the bat. I have a couple of other options to try before I choose which one to go with.

Stay tuned…