Well, what a delightful afternoon.

The shortpeople and I played our first game of Mordheim today. It was a bit slow (I needed some rules refresher, too), compounded with warband creation one at a time, but it was a wonderfully positive experience all around.

I've written about 40K: Junior Edition, before, but this was our first miniatures game using THE RULES, as written and intended, for grown ups. The game table is yet to be built, and small empty boxes and a Zombie Dice cylinder stood in for the actual City of the Damned, so the ambiance was a little lacking, but we got down the mechanics and game play.

The results? My Sisters of Sigmar routed the warbands of the Undead and The Possessed. In truth, the kids ganged up on each other and then I swooped in and thumped a vampire on the head with a hammer. The kids really like naming their characters and henchmen squads (R.I.P., Steve Two from "The Three Steves"), and seemed to genuinely work out strategy.

Money quote: "I have to roll a six? How many dice do I get?"

Oh, light armor.

We proxied all the models except my Sisters, so maybe an EBay scavenger hunt is in my future.