Nick speaking,

It's been a very long time since I played a game bigger than two thousand points, as I usually play in the evening and that's about the maximum points we can squeeze in. So, when I arranged a game with my good buddy Aceface to be played during the day, we thought it would be cool to play a bigger game for some fun. We didn't want to go all Apocalypse, just a normal mission but more points, so we agreed to play at three thousand points. I met Aceface via his YouTube Channel and I have previously had the pleasure of playing against his Nids and his awesome Nid Knight conversion! He is a fantastic guy, and he really knows his Tyranid tactics, so don't forget to check him out and give him a sub.

So, what army to play? Well, Aceface is a pretty competitive player, and he likes to play in tournaments and bring on the cheese, whereas I am more of a basement player as such. The last time we matched up, I lost with both my Eldar to his Chaos army and my Necrons to his NIds, in particular, my sixty strong Flayed One army. Both games were very fun indeed, and I had a blast even though I lost. Of course, I now have a new Necron Codex and things have changed up quite a bit for the Crons and Flayed Ones. Time to get some revenge with the Flayed Ones me thinks, but at three thousand points, what will Aceface bring to the table, after all, he has over twenty thousand points of Nids to choose from!

Find out my army list in the next post!