I've decided to take a break from the Space Wolves blog for a while as I concentrate on sorting my life out following recent events.

There's a Heck of a Lot Going on in Real Life Right Now

Work continues to be challenging and time consuming. But in a good way.

I'm still in the middle of the lengthy house selling process. Thankfully the house has has actually sold! But now I'm in the 2-3 month wait to move out and cash out while legal documents are signed (and witnessed) by myself and my ex-partner.

The way things are going, I should be out by early November at the latest.

Then the plan is to rent somewhere closer to work for 6 months and just see what happens.

Plus, it'll add 2 hours to my life each day (from not commuting on the train) and save me around £288 a month in train fares too - I could buy a Warhammer 40K army for that!

In the meantime, things are gradually being moved out of the house and sold off. I'm also managing all of the bills.

Not to mention that shopping on your own, cooking on your own and cleaning (a huge house) on your own is surprisingly time consuming too.

The State of Games Workshop Bothers Me

Codex Creep, the Space Wolves Codex, Horus Heresy and Forgeworld. These things bother me greatly. Allow me to explain...

7th edition 40K is fun, don't get me wrong, but the Codex Creep really hasn't been. Nigh invincible Necrons, Eldar with D Weapons everywhere and then some crazy Space Marine Formations. It makes you wonder how the rest of the armies are going to balance out... but we have to wait for the latest round of Codex books.

Which brings me on to the 7th edition Space Wolves Codex - I really didn't like it, because I feel that the Space Wolves background and stories have always been about Grey Hunters fighting tooth and claw to bring down the biggest of the Imperium's enemies through skill and cunning. Not a bunch of Thunderwolves charging around the field. And don't get me started on the Santa sled. This is why I chose to build a Space Wolves Drop Pod Army.

My other concern then, is the imminent release of the rumoured Battle For Ultramar Warhammer 30K start box. Beautiful Space Marine miniatures aside (who will be converted!), this then begs the question about Warhammer 40K Space Marine armies and Warhammer 30K Space Marine armies. Because if we're playing 2 systems, we will want some compatibility.

I can't imagine anything worse for someone than rocking up with a Crimson Fists army to be told you can't play them in Warhammer 30K because they weren't even born yet. The same goes for Grey Knights.

But at the same time, if everyone builds a Space Marine army to play Warhammer 30K, which they can also bring to Warhammer 40K, won't the game become even more saturated with Space Marines? Suddenly choosing a non-Space Marine army looks less appealing than ever if you want longevity from your miniatures collection.

Finally, Forgeworld units are my big concern. Yes, they're cool. But do I really want to spend £70+ on a super unit in order to make my army viable to play? I feel a little bit priced out when it's almost expected for me to field a Sicaran Battle Tank in my Space Marine army.

So I'm just going to take a big step back from it all and wait until things settle down so we know what's going on.

I Do Have Regrets

I deeply regret not updating the Space Wolves Blog as much as I'd like to. It makes me feel like I'm letting down everyone who comes here and reads my ramblings regularly.

But unfortunately real life really does get in the way of the fun stuff.

And it's not like this hasn't happened before when I've lost my job or something bad has happened.

So maybe it's something I should just accept?

I guess it's because the blog was launched during the 'golden year' of the Space Wolves, back in 2010 when the 5th edition Codex had just come out, the army was awesome, I had a huge force all built and painted, played regularly with my late friend James and attended numerous tournaments across the country.

It was the perfect time in my life to become an avid blogger, gamer and champion of the Space Wolves community online.

I miss those days and I miss having James to regularly play games with too. But life keeps moving forward, whether you want it to or not.

So yeah, it's time to take a break, recharge the batteries and return to Warhammer 40K (and maybe 30K?) once things have settled down - in both my life and within the Games Workshop hobby.

Fenris Hjolda! - Adam