Hey followers this time I'm sharing photos and writing about a formation, that I've got the figures to build (may add more to it especially warwalkers).

So first up the formation itself:

Formation- Guardian Battlehost

Must have:

1 Farseer
3 Units of Guardian Defenders
1 Vyper Squad
1 Unit of Warwalkers
1 Vaul's Wrath Support Battery
0-1 Warlock Conclave

Restrictions- None

Special Rules:
- Guardian squads get 'a Heavy Weapon Platform at no points cost' So basically for 90pts you get 10 defenders plus a heavy weapon for free (not bad, not space free transport good either).
- Then as long as your Vypers/Warwalkers/Vaul Platforms are shooting at a unit within 12" of a defender squad they gain preferred enemy. Not wonderful because if your Guardians are that close to your opponents squad then they are most likely dead next turn.

So to be honest it's not a great core choice. But the units that can be taken in it are good, it's a 50/50 split.

Here is how I currently plan on running it:

Farseer- Rune Armour, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade, Ghosthelm, Spirit stone of Anath'lan------115pts
Guardian Defenders- 10, Shuriken Catapults, Plasma Grenades, 1 Scatter laser---------------------90pts
Guardian Defenders- 10, Shuriken Catapults, Plasma Grenades, 1 Scatter laser---------------------90pts
Guardian Defenders- 10, Shuriken Catapults, Plasma Grenades, 1 Scatter laser---------------------90pts
3 Vypers- Shuriken Cannon, Scatter laser----------------------------------------------------------------180pts
1 Warwalker- Scatter laser, Starcannon--------------------------------------------------------------------65pts
2 Vaul's Wrath Battery- D-cannons------------------------------------------------------------------------110pts
                                                                                                                                         Total:  740pts

Not bad for a third of my points at 1850 level. Loses objective secure but gains some free weapons and preferred enemy if I go aggressive. Also if primary detachment they get the auto 6" run, it also unlocks all the other formations. Next up will be an aspect host and the Crimson Hunter hosts.

As always drop me comment below.