Here's a model that I actually painted up over the Christmas break, in an effort to set into season cheer.

As with most Batman models, Killer Frost was great fun to paint. Her detail is quite fine, as with many of the female miniatures, but with some motivation Frost is a good addition to your collection.

I found this model really tough to photograph, on account of her skin tones matching my background paper. I adjusted the various filters and settings in Photos, but this was the best I could get.

There's a lot of news concerning the BMG at the moment. I was disappointed to see the news that several BMG models have now gone "direct only" (with the suggestion that they will be discontinued when the current stock is sold out), but the newly-revealed Marvel Miniatures Game looks great.

I still have the limited edition Alfred model to paint at some stage, but haven't had the urge to break open the blister yet. I keep promising myself that I will actually play this game as well... One day!