Well, one thing to be said for glorious sunshine... it gave me plenty of time to hide in a cool apartment and get some painting done...

So, with all this time, managed to get the Mad Max themed Ork project ready for Double Trouble, a month ahead of schedule :)
I have since added a little more to the task, but I reckon I can get those done within a week easily, and as they aren't strictly necessary I'm happy to show this off as basically a completed project.

Immorkan Joe - Warboss on Bike

Wartrak with Skorcha

TOtal squad of 4 wartraks

Four warbuggies with rokkits

Battlewagon, centrepiece, soundsystem...

Truk for the mandatory troop choice of ten boyz

Showing off a bit? Perhaps, but let's be honest...

I need to find something else to show off in summer right?

Finally, picked up some female orc cheerleaders/bloodbowl players from Shadowforge miniatures... they shall be painted to represent Joes wives, and will act as objective markers...

Joe had 5 wives, so my sixth objective will be a hastily converted female ork...


I'll probably get my arse kicked, but hopefully will be in with a shout for best conversions, to defend my title from last year :)