More Blood. More Skulls. Can't Stop. Won't Stop! On my quest to have one of every Bloodthirster for my Khorne armies in 40k and AOS, I have finished a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage. Let's take a look.
So this model is in the purple-glazed black theme I used on Skarbarand. I really loved that look and am going deep on it here. First I paint the model black (two thin coats). Then I drybrush a dark grey, followed by a medium grey and then a light grey. I build the color and highlight less of the surface, sticking to the very highest paints and ridges on the model with the lightest grey. Then I wash the whole model with a thin layer of 50/50 Druchi Violet and Matte Medium.

I kept it super simple and drybrushed flesh tones over khorne red on the wings.

It's a pretty simple paint scheme overall, but it looks effective to me.

What do you guys think of the colors and how the model came out overall?