Rough Rider Trial Paint Scheme

I'm staying away from Redcoats for the Rough Riders.Instead I've gone for the Contrast Leviadon Blue for trousers and tunics.I haven't decided what colour horses to go for.  I must do some research but the Contrast Space Wolves paint may look OK. 

New Rough Riders: First Squadron

As well as being nicely printed, the parts fit together really well with socket arrangements to aid the aligning and fitting.  That's the first squadron built.  The rest will have to wait for a second order to go into Kirton Games for some more left...

Victoria Miniatures Rough Rider Kickstarter

I've been on tenterhooks for these.Courtesy of Kirton Games and their 3d printing service ( ), I now have two squads of Rough Riders...almost.   I didn't order two sets of left arms so, at present,...

Terrax Guard – First Squad Complete

There's the first squad of ten Terrax Guard complete.  A second team have been built and require painting but I also have twenty further Ventrillian Nobles and bunch of Inquisitorial Agents bidding for painting time.The only miniscule gripe I have with Wargames...

The Valiant Sparky Herself

Inspired by the mucking about with Chat GPT, I carried out a search for 28mm Westies.  There are a fair few 3d print ones available but, the winner for my cash (£2.95 for two Westies) was The Little Soldier Company  (