Opus Magna, blocks done.

First post of the new year. Over the holidays I finally got some time and inspiration to spend on the Opus Magna! It is now almost fully blocked out and I have added most of the weapons systems that I  had sitting around. Normally I like to keep things in...

Crusader body done

So it is time for the last post of the year and it will be about the Crusader. I did get the Gaunt's ghosts box for Christmas from the wifey but since I built some custom bases for them I have not had time to paint anything. I also have been working a bit on Opus,...

Update, Opus and Crusader

 These last weeks have been full of work and other commitments so I have not had that much time to work on the hobby stuff. That being said I still have made some progress.For the crusader I decided that I did not really need to finish the build before painting...

Sergeants of the Crusader

This week I had some time of from work so I finished of the sergeants. There was not that much to be done. Painted the heads a slightly darker bone than the carapace. Added lenses to the eyes etc. In the end I decided to go for the dual wield anyway... I can always...

The crusader bases

This week was spent finish up the two War dogs and the bases for the trio. As the knights are mostly rusted iron and bone I decided to stay away for these colours as much as possible for the bases so that they do not meld with the Knights. Instead I went for a...