Magnifying Glasses – NEO TOOLS

After returning to the hobby after a long break, I encountered a rather significant problem. I discovered that, unfortunately, eyesight is not what it used to be :) I noticed that I have a huge problem when working with objects very close to the eyes. I am unable to...

How to calibrate 3D resin printer?

In this guide, I'll show you step by step how to calibrate your 3D resin printer. I'll present the whole procedure on the example of my Mars 3 PRO printer from ELEGOO. It will be a simple step-by-step instruction based on my personal experience. I am...

INBOX083 – Mad Gross Gobbo (StudioLevel)

If you are fans of Warhammer 40000, you will like this model! 1:12 scale goblin bust. Let's take a closer look at it.Jeśli jesteście fanami Warhammera 40000 to ten model sie Wam spodoba! Popiersie goblina w skali 1:12. Przyjrzyjmy się mu dokładniej.READ MORE »

How to make a 3D printed labels for bases?

At the beginning of 2015 I published a guide How to make a simple labels for bases? I think it's still a great and simple idea to make nice looking labels. It can also be modified in many ways. Years later, however, it turned out that this method has disadvantages...

INBOX082 – INNA (RN estudio MS006)

This time it will be a little different. No text, only pictures. Quick INBOX of another figurine lying in my wardrobe... "INNA", 54mm scale from RN estudio.Tym razem będzie trochę inaczej. Zero tekstu tylko obrazki. Szybki INBOX kolejnej figurki zalegającej...