Jumping On The Band Wagon: Grey Knights

 Hi guys, this week I actually got more hobby time than planned. I didn't have to work as much as I thought I would. Hobby-wise, I cleaned up some Eldar for the Memorial Army for The Girl, played a few games, put togehter some Black Box Grey Knight...

Dragon’s Lair RTT, New Banners, and Game Night

 Well, I'm finally doing an update to the ol' blog. I've been sick the last few weeks. So, not a lot has been going on. I played in an 1850pt RTT Saturday. I went 1-1-1 and ended up in 5th overall. My first game was a 13-14 loss against a DoA list. He had about 9...

Hobby Is Dead…Again.

     Yesterday, I played in a 2500pt "hobby" tournament. Sadly, the hobby aspect of it was missed by quite a few. There were several there that brought their normal tournament lists with stuff added. Yep, that's a nice change. It was just another...

Hobby Is Dead…Again.

     Yesterday, I played in a 2500pt "hobby" tournament. Sadly, the hobby aspect of it was missed by quite a few. There were several there that brought their normal tournament lists with stuff added. Yep, that's a nice change. It was just another...

Sometimes Plan B Isn’t A Good Plan

Before the start of the tournament.   Well, Saturday was another tournament at Dragon's Lair. It was 1850pts. I almost brought the IG. But, I had been working on some new SW units and a new display board. So I went with the SWs, even though I didn't get the...