Black Dragons Lieutenant

 o/The last thing many a heretic or vile Xenos ever sees.This guy is my second Lieutenant (or is that just a 2nd Lt.?) for the Dragons. My previous Black Dragon Lt. 'Spike' doesn't work too well with Imperial allies from outside of the chapter (through no fault...

2nd platoon has arrived!

 o/Just a quick post (indeed, its comparable to my usual Instagram posts) showing off the second platoon of PHIGs (Pointy Helmeted Imperial Guardsmen) that have just arrived. With only 12 poses to choose from, I now have 6 of everybody! It looks like...

Its Grimsical out there!

o/Normally at this range, there would be a bloody brawl of snout-to-snout combat in progress!I haven't had a whole lot of painting time here of late. Real life has gotten really busy (and is about to get a lot worse!).  Nonetheless, I've snatched a few moments...

The 1st PHIG heavy weapon squad is complete!

o/Looks like I painted the rim of that base the wrong shade of green...I say first as I've ordered another batch of 36 minis here recently, which will give me enough missile teams for a second squad. That or spread 'em out amongst a platoon, I haven't decided yet....

When the (mostly) unpainted hordes collide!

 o/'TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE!'The last words attributed to Chaplain Schaff of the Black DragonsScreech and I got together for a game wednesday night, or rather we sorta did. We got a late start due eating out beforehand and that combined with having to work the...