Ultramarines Lieutenant with Combi-Weapon

 I'm thinking that this might be my first ever leap year post. What d'ya mean you can't see him?This past Saturday evening I elected to not go out and game and instead I painted this guy up. I did a minor arm and head swap as I didn't like the chitinous,...

Singin’ da bloos

 o/Rememba yoo weedy gitz: Bloo iz a lucky color!Well its been a minute since my last post, indeed February is almost over at this point! All forward progress ground to a halt due to an impromptu trip to Ft. Lauderdale to lay a dear friend to rest. As such, I've...

2 PHIG missile teams and a Psyker are complete!

 o/Sorcery-in-progress!This week I have an update on the slow progress of my Pointy Helmeted Imperial Guardsmen (PHIGs). I painted up a pysker, and finally finished two of the three missile teams for the heavy weapons squad (I can only do two at a time as I'm...

Star Wars Legion Mudtroopers

 o/My apologies for the crummy lighting & backdrop,it is usually just about dark when I get home (or raining outside). This week I've been trying to finish off the menagerie of half painted minis that have been loitering on my desk for the past few...

Never tell me the odds!

 o/No, this isn't another Star Wars Legion post. Rather for the second time now I've won an NOCF charity raffle! Ya know, I had been donating to these raffle for years to no avail. Only about $15-$20 at a time and win or not, its always for a good...