The battle of the greyish armies…

 o/Ultramarines holding the line. I was able to get another (sort of) game in this past weekend with Mike and Screech. However, as we started late (9pm), the game ended the bottom of turn two. Three factions, variable initiative and a central objective that...

Soul Drinker Test Model

o/Everyone's favorite heretical 'freedom fighters' fighting for and against both the Imperium and themselves (depending on which of Ben Counter's novels you're reading at the time).No, no...this is not a new project. Rather its an old one that's finally getting...

Some changes for Da Groop

o/That the blurred out yoof in the background is suffering from as much angst as his GorkaMorka counterpart here on the left!Recently Neverness inquired about our (usually) annual Orks vs. Orks game. I had no idea what my army totaled up to  using the new codex,...

NOCF Ukraine Raffle Warlocks

o/Well, these are pretty! I'm still thrilled that I actually won something (two somethings it turns out). While I no longer have any Iyanden painted Eldar minis of my own, I'm sure that these two will no doubt serve valiantly in my multi-colored Corsair horde at some...

Skitarii Color scheme change and another Surprise!

 o/As my IG Conscript platoon is/was starting to become a mind numbing slog, I decided to paint something else to break up the monotony. Pleased with the recent performance of my little Admech contingent's debut (before getting all but wiped off of the table), I...