To Battle once more!

Suffer not the unpainted to live!Scouts of the Incandescent Coyotes chapter of Space Marines were recently deployed to a planet secretly designated: FLGS. After surveilling the area for potential threats to the sanctity of the Imperium, they sent back reports of an...

The First 5 IG…

 ...painted in my new house. Indeed, they're the first of ANY minis painted in our new home! That said, they're nothing special. Same as before, not carrying enough gear for anything other than parade duty. Still suffering from grainy primer and mold lines...

The Last 3 IG

 o/This Cadian still stands...It's been a month since my last post, probably the longest gap within the lifespan of this here blog. That's not without good reason though, I've been in the process of moving. I lived in my prior house for just short of 20 years and...

30k Blood Angel Test Model

 Warhammer 30K (v.2) is coming...I googled purple sand (which was recently discovered in a coffee can buried in amongst the clutter of my little home) and the first thing to pop up was surprisingly a beach in the Big Sur region of California.Speaking of recent...

To battle once more!

 Not sure what's more ominous, the approaching Deathwatch marines, or Neverness himself looming above them!There's been VERY little hobby time here of late. Indeed, I didn't stop working around the yard/house, and on packing stuff up last night till I realized it...