Objectives secured and a bit of nostalgia.

You can buy these here. They will likely be my last eBay purchase before I move. Sizing up at about 40mm in diameter, 1/16th to 1/8th thick, laser cut brushed steel, yes they're a bit pricey but oh so nice! I went with the generic Aquila design, because the Tau...

My Tau army was so close to completion, but then…

 ...we put a house under contract. Huzzah! The sheep is no doubt wary of that armed swine standing guard...I've lived in my little house for 20 years now and do you have any idea just how much stuff I have squirreled away in here??? So much for...

Six more for the horde.

The army is shaping up nicely. With the exception of the Kroot carnivore squad, these six minis are the last of my to-be-painted 'Troops' models. That totals out to 44 painted models in...a month and a half or so!I have no idea when I've last had this many minis for...

Painting thru it all…

And thus the entirety of my Tau's vehicle compliment (currently anyways) is complete!Still making progress, despite the fact that my grandfather passed away unexpectedly last week in the wee hours of Thursday morning. He was a truly amazing man, and I can't even hope...

Reaching the halfway point for a second time…

 o/I love the look on this guy's face! Dunno what his little tri-corder thingy is telling him, but it's clearly not what he was wanting to read...Whilst I've yet to physically peruse the new Tau codex, Battlescribe has updated and between that and reading the...