Three more Ultramarine Intercessors are complete…

 ...but as usual, you can't see them because they're camouflaged!The guy on the left is ready to stomp on some flowers in a very un-Smurfy fashion.Grenade launcher #2, so each combat squad can have one......or one can instead just have both.The Intercessors' last...

Rebels vs. Scum & Villainy Battle Report

 o/Frankie joined me for another bout of X-Wing this past weekend and here's how it all went down...Frankie wanted to use some of the FLGS' 3D-printed Hoth terrain for Star Wars Legion as asteroids rather than the usual cardboard chits. We decided that the low...

Primaris Intercessor painting continues…

I really ought to get back to that DKK diorama, but momentum and all that... Ready for inking.With two back-to-back games of 40k fielding my Ultramarines vs. Neverness, I've been (slowly) working on getting more of my army painted up. As such, in between those...

Incandescent Coyotes Apothecary

 o/I knocked out a quick mini last week in between assembling the parts for my DKK diorama. If you haven't already heard, white contrast paint is in fact the shit when it comes to painting white minis. As such this is the first, fully painted Apothecary that I've...

The End of the Road (pt. 1)

Chill out, I'm not talking about the end of this old blog. it may not be as flashy as Zzzz's Inquisitorial hot rods, but it makes for a good IG staff car.Once painted, this will likely get a post unto itself.The road goes on forev-oh wait....For something a...