(Squat) Captain Teague

I based him the same as Dev0504, meaning they'll both likely fight alongside one another in Stargrave at some point.Teague grew up the child of diplomats, spending his childhood traveling the galaxy. Honestly, his early years were the envy of most children I would...

Inquisitor Hubris McClellan is complete!

 Damn it's only the ninth...I may have to paint up another Inquisitor for the Conclave or something.No, those manacles are definitely not of the fur-lined variety.Honestly this guy painted up rather quick and easily. Whilst he's bereft of any actual...

2nd Rebel Trooper Squad is Complete!

 Out of patrol of the steppes(?) of...Endor?Seriously what the hell? Eleven minis, all painted for the same faction, in a little over a week's time. You'd think this blog was hacked or something...Yet painted they are! Due to this ungodly heat wave, I haven't...

You Rebel Scum…

Here we have a generic Mon Calamari rebel officer and my first painted squad of rebel troopers all looking fit, and ready for battle.Whereas here is the side the Imperial troops most often see, the backsides of their retreating foe...lol.I have several gaming friends...