The Desert Wolves

o/Picking up from where I left off in my last post:The Desert Wolves. Sadly, no photos exist of this army so I'll just be going off of memory, though I do recall using the above icon as their chapter symbol. The Desert Wolves were one of the first armies I sold...

The WHOLE Silver Drakes chapter is painted!!!

For the first time in my entire gaming career, I've managed to fully paint a collection of one particular faction! Yes the first time ever!! Don't get too excited though, as I only have eight minis in said collection...and it is at this point the majority of new...

(Meagre) forward progress…

o/Not much better than they were in my last post...Curiously, I've not violated my vow to not paint any of my new Chaos Marine forces until the last three Silver Drakes are completed. Well, I did just a little, but the Drakes were slathered in ink and...

The hobby Butterfly lands (somewhere else) again…

o/Yes, just yes.Yeah I know, you're not at all surprised. Slow progress is in fact being made on the Silver Drakes and I've vowed not to apply any paint to my new toys until they are finished. However if I break that vow...I'm just not going to tell anybody....