Gamesday Uk 2009 Update part 1

So ive just come back from a long trek back from sunny birmingham from gamesday 2009. Just to let you know this report will be in two parts, part one of course will be all the new (lack) of stuff i managed to rangle from gamesday. The next update will be an...

Gt Update 2

HiSo ive been upto abit more stuff. Havent been able to undercoat stuff as im waiting for some Vallejo black undercoat to appear as a replacement for the GW stuff which has been going grey on me!Ive just built some objective markers for my upcoming x legion...

GT update + Tutorial!

Update - Due to a dentist costing me 240 quid i am unable to take this army which was abit of a pig, but ive got about 4 jetbikes im gonna paint. Here is a semi completed one, just need to do the gems and seat. Let me know what you think?Tutorial Time - Here im going...