Madgrot 2010

So I played in Madgrot this weekend just gone up in Mackay.  We headed up on Friday afternoon and as we drove up I sat in the front seat and marked army lists for Higher Grounds in Adelaide.  We arrived their safely despite travelling up in Wes' newly...

Awesome Girlfriend!

No, my girlfriend hasn't hijacked my blogger account and is posting randomly.  This last weekend I went away to Mackay to play in a tournament and when I got home, I received a rather belated Birthday present.  She had ordered it over a month before my...

Father Tenison Woods – Conversion

  This guy will be my second "Canoness", a recent addition to the list after Orktoberfest.  I found that my list just doesn't have enough ummph since I dropped the IG platoon, so I'm looking for other ways to make it better.He started life as an Empire...

Bling my ride

 Well I had a lot of fun at Orktoberfest and got a reasonable amount of painting done on the Sisters before I went down.  I'm continuing to work on them in preparation for Madgrot Mackay next weekend.I jumped onto Ebay today though and thought I'd share my...

Summoned Greater Daemon of Tzeentch – WIP

The above is a model that I'm working on for a friend.  He put together the metal and plastic sections and I'm bulking up the rest and filling in with greenstuff as required.  This is by far the largest conversion and greenstuff job that I have ever done and...