Fear and Basing in Las Vegas

Fear and Basing in Las Vegas

Ghoulio has been giving me crap for ages about how I need to base my Warmachine stuff.  There is a reason I have up until now not done it. Fear.  Fear of screwing up my carefully (and slowly) painted figs with a crap base job.  Back when we started this...
Hnefatafl Board and Pieces Finally complete

Hnefatafl Board and Pieces Finally complete

So in my spare time at work, I've been making a Hnefatafl Board.The pieces are 3D printed on a Makerbot, and then spray painted black and tan with a gloss overcoat.The models of the pieces were taken from a 3D boardgame, although I'm afraid I forget which one.  I...
Tallarn for FoF

Tallarn for FoF

Rather than buy the newest 40k, I have decided that my Tallarn force would make a great irregular force for Force on Force/Tomorrow's War.That said, I also went out and bought a Baneblade on Ebay because I just want to have a MONSTER tank in case another sci fi rules...
Temple Flameguard Test

Temple Flameguard Test

Have been trying to paint up my new unit of plastic Temple Flameguard.  They are *mostly* done, but figured I'd put up the first test guy to make sure I'd like how they'd turn out.  I do, although still haven't mastered Menoth white yet.  All in all a...
Vigilant Joins the Three Amigos

Vigilant Joins the Three Amigos

Finally had some time to paint up my Vigilant this weekend.  He turned out very well.  I'm getting better at the clean smooth plates that I'll need when I get to the Judicator.  Before he's done, I'll magnetize the 2nd Crusader plastic box.  So...