Merry Christmas Indeed!

This Christmas, Santa brought me something that I have wanted for many years. I finally got the Rorke’ Drift set with Horns of the Buffalo expansion from Warlord Games. This has been a dream of mine to complete my Praetorians. I couldn’t wait to...

Right on track!!

Somehow I managed to do it. My entire 2000 point footslogger army is completely painted. Here are some updated pictures.They are not 100% complete but I am on track to have them done by Christmas. I only need to dullcoat varnish them and add static grass to the bases....

Nearly There

I am way behind my goal but I was able to get some more painting in. At this point my 2000 point all infantry is completely base coated. Now on to basing and washing. If all goes well I will have it complete by the end of next week. My new goal is to have everything...

Almost complete

Well I didn't get as far as I would have liked in my painting, but I made a lot of progress.  All of the colors that apply to all the models are done.  Now I just have to go and do things like the brown coats on my psykers and the metal for powerfists. ...

Painting Continues

I have stayed on track an have been able to paint for several hours every night.  If I continue at this pace I should have all the base coats done by this weekend.  There may be some additional work on some of the characters, but I will take them as they...