by James Craig | Sep 18, 2017
So I up and vanished. Being a judge for Crystal Brush, Placing 3 (!!!) medals at World Expo, Another fabulous medal at Sword and Brus, My son's first competition.... all sorts of stuff and yet nothing here. Why?Photobucket.All my images are hosted at a paid...
by James Craig | May 31, 2017
So here we are at last and the project was finally done! I am pretty proud of this build. It is not perfect by any stretch but it was a lot of fun and a really new and unique experience for me. I think the finishes on the tank are great and it is a really interesting...
by James Craig | May 22, 2017
So on to the actual paint! Started with a quick shot of Stynylrez. This primer by Badger is the best I've ever used, though **SPOILER ALERT** Ammo of Mig's new one shot primer is the same formulation made by Badger for Mig!!! Partnerships are something AMMO has really...
by James Craig | May 16, 2017
So now that I had the proto-tank built and riveted, it was time to start working on the presentation base. I started by laying out some rough ideas with scrap pieces of balsa foam and once I had a clear idea in my head I started piecing together the pieces I would...
by James Craig | May 9, 2017
Balsa Foam armatureSo having decided to build this rare oddity of WW1 (a French prototype trenchbusting "tank" made of a tractor with a concrete reinforced turret and an extension cord/ power cable that connected it back to its own trenchline.... not hard to believe...