Connecticut Painting Competitions?

Hey folks! I know I know... quiet... I'm trying!I have some great Xwing content coming up, and maybe will even get out and play some 40k tonight... I will Batrep if I do!But I am here today to tell you about one of the biggest new painting competitions in the North...

The Walking Dead?

Hi folks, it has been a while since I posted any thing but I wanted to chat a bit about TWD today!  If you have not watched the episode, click away. NOW.  Here is harmless picture before I start talking about the plot of Sunday's episode. As always, if you...

New Necron Info!

Hi guys. I received this info today via email from an anonymous source about the new Necron codex. He seems to know mostly what he is talking about! I thought you would appreciate!  I don't know much about the Necrons but figure some of you would enjoy....

The Jawa Forge Returns!! 32mm Scenic Resin Bases

Hey all!  My army of Jawas have been working hard and I present to you the first fruits of their labors...32mm Scenic Resin Bases!This first set from the new Jawa Forge is based on a crystaline cron tomb world.  Crystals of various sizes are jutting up from...

NMM Gold Dante

Hi guys!I wanted to share today some WIP images of my Nonmetallic Metal Gold Dante!Nonmetallic Metal DanteNMM DanteI need to work on the lighting for my images but these came out decent.  I used the old Sanguinor Heavy Metal NMM tutorial from White Dwarf,...