The Kickstart ends in just 7 hours!

Get in on the fun while you can! Click the link at the top right. I included a few special rewards where you can grab sweet deals on some of my painted models too.  Don't miss out! CLICK HEREJawaballs

It’s official!

With just over a week left my Kickstart promoting my new line of painting tutorial DVDs called The Jawaballs Way has reached it's mark!  Now it is time to push it with some new rewards. I will be posting up additional rewards today, offering great deals on stuff...

The Jawaballs Way: Half way done, almost there!

My Kickstarter is half way over, and I have reached 83% of my goal. That is outstanding! Thanks go out to every one who has supported this project.But it is not over yet! We have two more weeks to really push for the roof. I set the goal at 7k, but I would love to see...

Lots of marines?

If you have not noticed, marines in the Dark Angel codex are much less expensive than Blood Angels!We have always wanted to play a full company in a game. You know what I mean... 100 marines, proud and strong.  But with points and such, this has not really been...