Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Rogue Brutal IPA

Hey fellow boozers, I'm continuing my drinking adventures with another Rogue beer. This time tho it's part of their Rogue Nation range. Sporting a very nice logo of a fist symbol, bringing forth images of revolution. Enjoyed this beer at the cottage last summer so the...

S102: K.Cattrall Fishman gang

Welcome Dredd heads. Time for a follow up article to the K.Cattrall Fishman Post. This post will be the actual gang and their stats. I plan on facing these guys off against the Monkey Gang soon so watch this space. So without further ado here is The Fighting...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Rogue Dead Guy Ale

Hey drinkers! Time for an American beer for a change. Even though Canada is extremely close to America ie. shares a border, it is surprisingly hard to find good US beers (found Stone Brewery only once at a LCBO). But lucky for me most LCBO's during the last summer...

Bookshelf: Audiobook Review- Death Trap

Welcome back to another Bookshelf Review. With work being so busy this time of year, I sometimes struggle to find time to read. But there is always time to listen, be it in the shower or on a bus. So with that in mind I turn our reviews over to the audio books. Lucky...