S102: Case File- Chopper

++ Sector House 102 ++++ Attention all Units ++++ Subject: Chopper ++"Chopper has been seen entering over the Black Atlantic Wall. Any sightings are to be report immediately to Dredd"Unknown Justice Central Judge.Chopper was a typical MC-1 juve; bored and...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Wild Beer Ninkasi

Another day another Brews Review, this time it's an English brewery (back to the homeland). I was surprised to find this beer in the local LCBO and would be interested to know how they pick their selections, is it completely random or some actual thought put in it. A...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Brasseurs RJ Death Valley

Hey everyone this is a beer I reviewed last year. Hailing from Quebec, this beer is by Brasseurs RJ and is called Death Valley. The label really inspires images of Death Valley and has a creepy ass Vulture taking center stage. I fear this vulture is about to leap off...