Bookshelf: Comic Review- Judge Dredd Meg 202

Welcome Dreddheads to the Bookshelf comics. This time we shall take a look at Judge Dredd Meg 202. Originally published February 11th 2003, it introduces us to a new character the Black Siddha.CoverWe start as always with the cover, a bold striking image mostly black...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Samuel Adams Rebel IPA

Hey readers I was very lucky to be able to spent some time in Boston recently. Which included a great tour of the Samuel Adams brewery. So what better way to celebrate a great tour than with a beer review. I've picked Rebel IPA as it is easy to find here in Canada,...

Brews Review: Le Tréfle Noir Stout

Spring has finally reached Ottawa and the weather today has been wonderful, which can mean only one thing: Treat myself to a stout! My favourite beer style especially on a warm day is a nice chilled stout. I know this is weird as most people prefer a lager or a pale...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Dieu du Ciel Disco Soleil

Time to go travelling my fellow drinkers, so pack a bag and a hip flask! After a little exploring and leaving Ottawa, Ontario behind, I have discovered my new favourite Beer shop in Hull, Quebec (40 minute walk away, crossing the river). But more about this shop...