Kicking it down the line

It seems one of our esteemed bloggers has gotten it into his mind to make some awesome stuff for the hobby.Please check out what Col Gravis has been up to:For those of you that follow Col. Gravis, you will hopefully have already seen his Kickstarter project.For those...

Murder Squad part 1

Sometimes you have a great idea for a unit or armies concept, but as you scour the codex you can’t find options that fit your grand ideas.  If only there were some rules like there were in “murder-squad” that allowed you to bend the rules some.  Here’s my...

Games Workshop, you do not own the term "Space Marine"

Please read this if you want to see more, but GW has gotten out of control.  This is similar to the patenting of bacteria or sequences of genes.  It is an abuse of the system.  Seriously that a book called "Spots the Space Marine" infinges on the...

Packing it All Up

I guess there comes a time in every table-top-wargamer’s life when they consider giving the game up.It isn’t a lack of time or too many competing interests, but simply a lack of players nearby that shared the same passion for the game. I guess that for the last 4...

District 11 and a Ruined Manufactorum (side by side)

Just as I finish "District 11" a vile xenos horde appears to have occupied the old ruined manufactorum next door.  The Medusans are called in again to clear the filthy Eldar from the once proud Ad-Mech facility.   You can see I sacrificed a third of the...