Empire Demigryph Knights – A Review

The second unit of reinforcements for my 1,000 point list comes in the form of the new and very promising Demigryph Knights.  I mentioned in the Wizard review I needed to give my force some more teeth, well it turned out to be some beak instead.  And claws, lots of...

Empire Battle Wizards – A Review

With the 500 points game in the bag (and the blood running off the table in rivers), the next 500 was on the horizon and it was time to think about how I could improve on the core force and give it some more teeth.  It was fairly easy to guess what Phil’s additions...

Empire Handgunners – A Review

And finally, the last unit from the Empire Battalion box – the Hand Gunners/Crossbowmen. I find few units more synonymous with the Empire than the humble Handgunner.   Physically weak, but armed with a technologically superior weapon with which to keep their enemies...

Empire State Troopers – A Review

Third time round for reviews from the Empire Battalion box and I’m finally into the new kits. Yay.  I present to you the Empire State Troopers. Now I’m sure you’ve all come to terms with the new pricing format of the rank file for ‘new’ armies, which...

Empire Knightly Orders – A Review

Next is the turn of the Knightly Orders to get the once over. It’s a tough one because the kit is old. Really old actually. The horses have been knocking around for 25 years or so and their riders best past of a decade…to quote the young people: damn!...