Rockets within Rockets

 I picked up a Strike Force Agastus box, mostly for the new Burtalis Dreadnought, but I did like the other figs as well. Okay, the new Primaris heavy weapon dudes, The Desolation Squad, they take a bit getting used to. The All-Primaris force did need a...

Kill Team Infiltrators

 The Phobos Strike Team for Kill Team is a really nice kit. The proper multi-part models are really good figs, and the addition of a Kill Team sprue with more optional parts makes this a fun kit to assemble.I also went and made the Phobos Lieutenant into a proper...

Vashtorr and Friends

 I am enjoying the story of the plucky demi-god, Vashtorr the Arkifane and its trip through 40K . So much so I picked up the model and was thusly inspired to build some other neglected chaos figures. I am putting together a Vashtorr-cult themed force....

House Raven

 Imperial Knights. I love them. I have a good size House Terryn force, so of course it's time for a Mechanicus battle group.After much deliberation, I decided that it would be a group that would focus on firepower and maneuver. So a Knight Crusader would be...

Today in Subassemblies

 There is a whole lot of detail in the Angron kit. There is no way to put this big angry guy all the way together and be able to effectively paint all those glorious bits and skulls. So this is far as I can go before the paint shall flow like rivers of...