Death Guard Footsloggers

 Everybody's favorite disease vectors are nearing completion. I just finished up 25 power armored Plague Marines.Quite a lot of fun to paint. Very freeing with the heavy shading. Building them was entertaining as well. I'm not real sure on the exact squad...

3D Stands and Stuff

 We have put Mrs. Blackheart's STLs all in one spot for free! Just a recap, she currently has two bases for Eldar and Tau vehicles, the Doomsday Ark stand and a new 3-figure movement tray for 28mm bases.Get them here!Go Make SomethingLet The Robots Help

Horrified: American Monsters

 Horrified American Monsters is the follow-up game to the hit game Horrified (I gave it a quick look last year). It is a stand alone game, so ownership or knowledge of the original game is not necessary. It is the same gameplay, but it has a new map,...

Plague Marines

 I've finished my test squad of Death Guard Plague Marines. Sorry for the bad contrast with my painting surface. There will be some action shots soon.The box set includes seven figures with a good deal of options. Of course not all figures can have all options,...

Old Lictor Pics

I found these unpublished pictures from a few years ago. Clearly from 1st edition Kill Team, (well not really, that would be from...3th Edition?) Last edition, 2016 maybe? Kill team version are not super clear anymore, if they ever were.Whatever. It does make me...