Review: Spellcrow Plague Legion Bits Part 1/7 (legs)

Review: Spellcrow Plague Legion Bits Part 1/7 (legs)

The Plague God leaves no body un-ravaged, not even the mighty Astartes are immune to his loving embrace. Many have fallen to Lord Nurgle, and today, I’m showing off a bits set ideal for use on Nurgle –marked squads of Plague Marines. This leg set is one of the many...
WIP: Triarch stalker=Defiler: Part Two: The Build Begins

WIP: Triarch stalker=Defiler: Part Two: The Build Begins

Having planned this Defiler conversion a few weeks ago, I’ve started working on the basic design. For ease of building, I will be using as many original components from the Triarch Stalker as possible, with additions going on-top of the existing structure. The main...
Battle Report: Bolt Action Germans vs British (1250 pts)

Battle Report: Bolt Action Germans vs British (1250 pts)

The Germans have had a taste of battle against the British, and today shares an account of how it went.My list was as follows:HQ-2x 2nd Lieutenant with extra rifleman, (regulars)Infntry-10x Heer infantry )SMG, LMG), 10x Heer infantry (LMG), 8x Pioneers (flamer, 6x...
News: Nerdvana Event In Camarthen, Wales

News: Nerdvana Event In Camarthen, Wales

The Nerdvana team are preparing for their first event, which is will be on Saturday 26th April.The event, help at St. Peter's Civic Hall, Camarthen, promises plenty to do, whether you prefer card games, table-top or video games. Local traders and crafters will be...
WIP: Possessed Relic Predator (Early Painting)

WIP: Possessed Relic Predator (Early Painting)

Oh, the joys of coursework! But there I am close to the light at the end of the tunnel: yesterday I handed my two biggest pieces in. Naturally, the best way to celebrate is t either A) Drink, or B) Paint more 40k. I went with A, but B the next day, and now I have some...