Workshop Datalogs: June 2018

So we're half-way through the year, and I'm back writing posts. After a wedding, holiday and odds and ends, I have a few small update on a variety of new and exciting projects on my workbench.With the newest edition of Age of Sigmar arriving yesterday, the last few...

Workshop Datalog: May 2018

Sorry for the late post guys. Turns out planning a wedding (today by the way, I'm multitasking!) takes up a lot of your hobby time. Still, I've managed to work on a few new things here and there. The first ‘new’ squad is a very retro unit of Necron Raiders. Managed to...

Review: Codex Thousand Sons (Troops)

The Codex dropped a few months ago, and in that time I've had a chance to try out a few combinations and units from every section. In today's update I'll be looking at the troops available to the favoured of Tzeentch.What Thousand Sons army would go without Rubrics?...

Conversion Guide: Necron Destroyer Body

Destroyers are big, mean, and hate life in all forms. The existing kit is quite nice, but if you want to something different today's post should help you.This conversion uses the following kits and extras:Necron WraithsNecron Lychguard/Triarch...

Review: Codex Thousand Sons (HQ)

The key to a good army is a powerful, charismatic and fearless leader. Today we'll be delving into the depths of the silver towers to bring you my thoughts on the codex's selection of HQ options. Magnus has been included here, as he is recognisable as a leader, even...