Building a GK List: Unit Composition Tips and Tricks

(From Fritz's blog. You can find this same post there!)Hey all, Xethik from the Grey Knights blog here with some suggestions for everyone out there hoping to start up a Grey Knight army. I will not be going into detailed list building, but I will be touching upon...

New Grey Knights: A 2,000 Point List of My Own – Mech

(Mortis Pattern Dreadnought made by Ron from From the Warp/Black Dot Barrel Studios)Hey everyone, Xethik here with a list of my own. I've been a bit too busy to get to deep into the new codex, but to say the least I'm very excited. I'm sure most readers will have some...

Codex: Grey Knights – New Model Images and Advanced Order

(All images belong to Games Workshop. I hold no rights)Well, as most of you know, Games Workshop has put up the advance order for all Grey Knights. They also split a lot of previous Inquisitor retinue packs into individual blisters so that you can grab what you need...

Grey Knights: Incoming! Cover and Prices

The cover art on what I think we all hope is the best codex Games Workshop has ever dreamed of. That's right, this is the Grey Knights cover for the new codex, apparently showing up at random stores in this past day. Along with it are coming the kits. A bit too...

Rumors: Some Dates for Your Calendar

(Thanks Google Translate!)Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. At least for Germany (where this was taken from, hence the translation), Grey Knights will be available for preview on the 25th. Rumors have it that on the 9th of March, Games Workshop stores...